Planet Earth: The Source of Our Lives

The Source of our humanity is our connection to our blessed planet earth.

The wonder that we feel in life is always found in the simple nature of things.

Our Human Bodies are in continual flux because of the constant inter-play between our inner landscapes and the environment in which we live.  Our health and wellbeing is dependent on how we develop our relationships here.  It is in reconnecting to our roots that we can find unity and our sense of wholeness. What is the best way for you to enjoy the gifts of Creation?

Have you ever seen a natural waterfall?  An eagle swoop down into the ocean? A sunset full of beautiful oranges, grays, blues, yellows and reds?  Taken a walk in a forest surrounding by a chorus of nature’s sounds?

Does anything compare?

Massage Columbus

Healing from the Source

If you are feeling disconnected…  your spirit can always be lifted by experiencing and acknowledging what is…

We are born as individuals, but it is in our unity and sense of connection that we find joy.

Take care of your bodies.  Take care of our sacred earth. Take care of our precious resources.

Find the beauty and peace that is already here.

Our evolution is depending on it!

Sharon Hartnett LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist)

(740) 966-5153  

Columbus, Ohio


Does Massage Help Children with Autism?

Consistent Nurturing Touch… Finding a Way to Connect with Autism

For parents:  Massage has been shown to be effective in helping children on the Autism Spectrum. 

One study in particular found that children who received a general 15 minute massage before bedtime showed more on-task focus and improved social skills, along with better sleep throughout the night.  Massage is an easy practice that all parents can take up to help their children relax on many different levels.  If you are not sure of the best way to go about learning massage, a few sessions with a local and experienced Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) or Certified Craniosacral Therapist (CST) can help wonders. By taking your child in to see a LMT or CST a few times,  you can learn some basic techniques to make your lives easier through touch awareness, exploration and experiential re-connection. Mindful touch is so nourishing and healthy and you might be surprised at the benefits for both of you.

Beautiful shifts and changes with children who are diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum has closely been observed at the Upledger Institute for many years. Craniosacral Therapy is a much more detailed set of techniques that focuses on working with the brain, spine and surrounding tissues.  With Craniosacral Therapy in particular, children have consistently found deeper balance and a sense of quiet centering. While they also have been seen to discover more positive feelings about the Self as well as with the surrounding environment, they also have the benefit of physiological change in the CNS. This work helps to decrease structural stress and strain on the nervous system.  By releasing tension around the brain, and along the spine, the body functions more optimally, and many kids have experienced very positive results this way. For a case study, please click the following link located at the Upledger Institute,

Massage and CSt can feel non-invasive if done with respect and patience- the benefits are numerous:  better circulation, more flexibility, less stress. Whether you want to set up a schedule for treatment for yourself and children, or learn some basic skills for calming and integrating, you can’t go wrong.  There is no down side to this treatment! 

Craniosacral Massage Columbus

Crainosacral Therapy supporting Autism



Additional Links:


Some other recommended links given to me by mothers with autism:


Reduce the Noise: Help Loved Ones with Sensory Overload Enjoy Shopping

Home Modifications for Autistic Kids

Resources for Military Families

Moving with Special Needs Kids

Academic Accommodation Resources

Worry Wise Kids

Estate Planning for Parents of Kids with Autism


Sharon Hartnett LMT,

CST in Columbus, Ohio

740 966-5153

Learn From Your Body

If we want to continue to Grow and Evolve, it is necessary to open the mind to the body’s own wisdom.  By bringing our conscious awareness to our body’s breathing, movement and dialogue, we continue to learn from our internal experience and stay healthier.

Learn and Grow

Human Evolution


As an experienced massage therapist and bodyworker,  I am no longer surprised by how many people spend the majority of time living in their thinking head.  I know this may sound crazy to some of you, but there is so much more to us then the thoughts we have been thinking for so long.  There is a whole blissful pool of intelligence Within that is Light and the key to our human evolution.

Exploring our bodies with curiosity, through witnessing and and experiencing will help us to feel more deeply connected to the core of our lives.

For yourself, take some time to expand your life and move one step ahead into the fullness of your life!

Lighten Up Therapies is happy to help you on your journey too.

Call Sharon Hartnett LMT at: 

(614) 372-6598

Why Not Start To Stretch Now?

Flex those Muscles for a Great Stretch:  Gently and Slowly

You know that as you get older, it can get harder to bend down and touch the ground. Yet somehow, remembering to stretch loses its priority in our daily routine.  Why not change that now?  

A full body stretch commitment can change how you feel.  Taking a few minutes out your day to dedicate to the wellbeing of your body can change your life.You’ll find that stretching can feel great and it naturally give you more flexibility. The real plus here, is that freer movement helps prevent injury and keeps us feeling younger and more energetic.

Enhance your physical fitness by finding an activity that fits your needs. Below is a chart that I recommend that is based on Yoga.  But there are many other DVD’s and classes that are just as useful.  Ask your physician what he or she recommends.

Massage Columbus Ohio

Fit some stretching into your Day!

Don’t forget to breath and allow yourself to feel the relaxation of opening:)  

You health is worth it!

 Sharon Hartnett LMT

(740) 966-5153

Recommended link:

Mayo Clinic:  Thoughts on Stretching

Incorporate Foot Massage into Your Session

Do your Feet Hurt?  How about a wonderful Foot Massage to sooth away the pain?

When your feet feel good, you feel good.  Foot massage will not only help undo knots and tension in your feet, but also helps bring comfort to your whole body.  


  1. Having your feet rubbed helps with circulation and is especially advantageous for people experiencing neuropathy in their legs.
  2. It’s wonderful in how well it alleviates cramped feet discomfort and chronically tight leg muscles.
  3. From a structural perspective, when the foot is balanced, we stand better in relationship to gravity.  Our posture improves from foot to the top of the head.
  4. Reflexologists state that there are certain areas of nerve innervation that when worked will enhance the corresponding parts of the body.  
  5. Stimulates the Lymphatic System to carry away waste.
Foot Massage

Massage Columbus Ohio

Ask your massage therapist to spend a little extra time on your feet!

For additional information, check out this Dr. Weil link:

Sharon Hartnett LMT

(614) 372-6598