The Meaning of Life… Waking Up. What does that mean to you?

So many people these days are so busy running their errands, taking care of things, and reaching for success. No problem with that. The Meaning of Life is in the doing.

But there are some people who have stopped and realized that real value means something else. And what usually happens is that when it becomes clear that there aren’t any real answers to life’s questions in the busyness, they begin to slow down and take account. In the quiet, they begin to get introspective and to start listening to another voice. A lighter voice. And that becomes clearer as they find their path to Waking Up. As that happens the Universe in its Divine Pleasure starts to resonate with the new direction of the Mind. The Meaning of Life is found and deepens as it illuminates each moment along the way.

The Meaning of Life can be discovered more easily using The Law of Attraction. Basically, what this means is that what you focus on is what you create in your life. In some of the New Age material, they suggest that you focus on the positive if that is what you want in your life.  That can work miraculously as long as one is clear. But I would suggest taking it a step further and also acknowledging what is stressful as these situations arise and blocks your create flow with an objective as possible view. Because if we don’t do that- that thought can still take precedence over what we are thinking. As much as we might want to be positive, the unconscious mind shows up quite frequently in how we perceives things whether “for the good or the bad”. So it is important to notice our thinking process first, how we react to outside situations, and to accept What Is As It is. When we are at peace with ourselves and our relationships, even for just a moment- that clears the way for the next wave of Creation. Question the truth or the realness of those stressful thoughts too, and you’ll be amazed at how life can change. I recommend highly to get you on your way.

As we begin to let go of those stressful thoughts, that “like” energy will attract other “like” consciousness to us. When our minds are freed, we are open to that next thing that wants to happen. A mind that is Waking Up finds relief in day to day living. It begins to recognize that it is easier to drop resistance and duality. A mind that is Waking up sense a joy, even if it had been hidden for a long time. And this joy is more pervasive and long-term than a temporary material happiness. It is something that bubbles from within.

There are many people on the planet now who are Waking Up. These are the free thinkers who see that love and kindness are essential. They understand that the the heart can open and lead the way for the mind. These are the people who own their own craziness and have the courage to walk through the fire to know peace. Waking Up can be found anywhere. It is God talking to us and we are the listeners. We do so in surrender because we have learned to trust the compassionate light and its nourishment as Spirit lights the way for our human selves.

Each person has a way that they see the world. It is unique and made only for him/her. And all life is precious. But if we truly want to make a positive impact in our lives and with those we love, we must learn to be mindful and release all the learned beliefs that tell us that we are separate or different. True meaning instead, is about interconnection, and recognizing that we are all made of the same cloth with an opportunity to express it in different ways.   But we must clear the way and focus on what brings us pleasure and warmness to our hearts for as much times as we can.  Because that will allow of mutual partnership to flourish and make this a better world.

Meaning of Life


So Y’All. It’s time to sing together in peace. What say you?

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST-D, SI, BHP

740 966-5153