Be Yourself

Be Yourself

Normal is Overrated.

We live in a world where “normal” is overrated. So much of what we learn is how to fit in with the thinking of others. Especially when we are younger, our parents, teachers and friends ask us to memorize, to repeat, to make habits that are part of the current paradigm. Somewhere in all of this though, is you- wanting to find your own way of Being. It’s a tricky tightrope act learning to walk in both worlds between the authentic you and what is expected. Ultimately though, as we mature and grow up, for those of us who weren’t given much opportunity to be heard, acknowledged or hear praise, we must learn how to discard the package we have been sold. How to do this? 1. Be curious always 2. Step outside your box and see things from a view that comes from within you. 3. bring your awareness to your own sense of self before relating to others 4. allow yourself to receive and regulate “what’s out there” at your own pace and in whatever quantity is easiest for you. 5. practice connecting with your whole self and don’t let anything get in the way! Good luck unlearning all the bullshit, and finding the real you.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
740 966-5153

Awakening through Massage and Bodywork

Awakening the Spirit in the Human Body

What if you stopped looking outside for all the answers?

Columbus healing

Awakening through Massage and Bodywork

What if you quieted down your thinking and brought your awareness inward?  

Sitting in silence Within will reveal the truth of life more easily than getting another person’s point of view.  Your spirit if alive and vibrant.  It is waiting for you to listen and wake up.

Massage and Bodywork brings your attention inward.  It enlivens the cellular memory and brings about deeper sensory integration.  When the mind body & spirit are fully engaged, you feel what it is like to be Present in the moment.


Sharon Hartnett LMT 

(614) 372-6598