Communicating the Value of CST


Communicating the Value of CST

People who come in for a Craniosacral Therapy Session are often looking for corrections to their bodies such as with balance, healthy motion and dialogue. What they often leave with is a sense pain relief, more freedom in movement, and a sense of better grounding.

What makes a session helpful to clients is that they feel like their concerns are heard and that their therapist can speak the same language verbally, but also with their presence and hands.

In my experience, for the best results, the therapist is listening from moment to moment  as to what the body is saying.  As a client, I can really feel the difference when I am touched as to the quality of connection.  So when I work, and teach other therapists, I offer this teaching as one of the most important guide posts to providing a valuable session.

Once this criteria is met, techniques come into play that can help the body to self-correct in the most gentle way. With Craniosacral Therapy, the touch is so light, that it feels like a whisper on the skin that nourishes and promotes efficiency and wellness.  This is why it is such a wonderful therapy for ages from infancy to working with seniors.  Almost all people can receive this type of work easily.

A trained Craniosacral Therapist will check the motion of how the cerebrospinal fluid is moving through the Craniosacral System (CSS).  What he or she will feel are the flexion and extension phases that are constantly providing information to the therapist about any restrictions or dysfunctional patterns in the system itself, or with fascia and other parts of the body.

Once the pattern expressions are presented, the therapist listens, follows, and encourages gentle changes to help with symmetry, amplitude, rate and quality.  This can have a great impact on how the CSS  functions.  When the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) can flow freely, it allows the nerves to function more optimally.  Without getting into too much detail,  the clients often feel more balanced, at peace, and more centered after a session.

Craniosacral Therapy

I have been a Massage Therapist and Bodyworker for about 20 years.  In the last 10 years, I have refocused much of my work into the field of Craniosacral Therapy, SomatoeEmotional Therapy, Brain Work and Visceral Manipulation because the effects are profound and yet the touch so tender and precise.

I have learned so much at the Upledger Institute because I value their contribution to the wellbeing of so many people across the globe.  One man, Dr. John Upledger, explored into an unknown frontier and brought this science based medical work to hands on practitioners to bring health and joy back into individual lives. I have seen dramatic changes for people with chronic pain and energy issues, to people recovering well from TBI’s and concussions,  back and and neck pain relief, fibromyalgia relief just to name a few conditions.

I don’t think that anyone can quite explain what a session is like. Yes, I could say that you come in fully clothed and you are touched this way or that.  But hardly anyone expects how great they feel by the end of the session.  This work goes beyond a gentle one hour treatment.  Its reaches go deep into the cells along with the mind connection there.  It simply is bliss.  And the changes continue to happen for days, and often times longer.

As with most types of massage and bodywork, each client is unique.  And each will have a different experience.  One person may feel huge shifts the first time, and others- well it may take them some time to really relax.  But most often they do, and people often discover new sources of tranquility, energy and a sense of Self.

So that is my take on Craniosacral Therapy at this point in my practice.  I love the work.  I love practicing it, and I love receiving it.  It has helped me on so many levels: physically, emotionally, in my heart and with spirit. And I have been blessed to help others with it.

If you would like to learn more, or have some questions about Craniosacral Therapy, I do offer a free 15 telephone consult.  I love to share this work, and hopefully I have educated and imparted an idea of how it can help you.  I haven’t found one person yet who hasn’t found some benefit in CST.

Sharon Hartnett

740 966-5153

What is Craniosacral Therapy? Sharon Hartnett CST in Columbus, Ohio

-When I tell people I specialize in Craniosacral Therapy,  they often ask me to describe what it is. While Craniosacral Therapy has been around for a while, it is just now coming more into the forefront as being known as an effective integrative health approach. So in order to bring even more clarity to this field of healing, I want to present this short blog entry. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me, Sharon Hartnett, LMT, for a free 15 minute phone consultation 

                             703 509-1792 

Craniosacral Therapy is a light touch type of bodywork that enhances the functioning of the whole body by working primarily with the Cerebrospinal fluid around the nervous system. This is done with palpation from the feet all the way to the head. The name “Craniosacral Therapy” can be misleading because while the main focus is on listening at the cranium and the sacral area, this gentle manual therapy may be approached from anywhere on the body. During a session, a client remains fully clothed and lies down on the table for about an hour. The therapist will follow listening stations and help the body find its own healing course. Craniosacral Therapy’s relaxing and balancing effects may be felt physically, emotionally and spiritually throughout the session and afterwards.


Craniosacral in Columbus

Craniosacral Flow



A Craniosacral Therapist is a listener of the craniosacral rhythm much like a Counselor may listen to the words of a client. As the session progresses, the client often calms down and lets go of stresses and pain. The therapist is guided by the body’s own intelligence to follow any dysfunctional patterns and to help the system to self-correct.  The quality, symmetry and strength of the craniosacral movements are strong indicators if there are restrictions or weakness in a certain area.  As certain patterns are tenderly touched, unwinding and lengthening may occur allowing healthier interaction between the nervous system and the tissues. Often people who come to a Craniosacral Therapist for a series of sessions after finding no relief elsewhere end up feeling more vitality and release of deep pain patterns.



For a quick Youtube layout of the work, check out one of my earlier teacher’s explanation of the work:




Craniosacral Therapy has been helpful with relieving traumas from the body on many different levels. Once these traumatic experiences are processed in a healthy environment, the person usually feels freed up to live more fully from a clear more positive intentional place.

Sharon Hartnett CST-Diplomate specializes in helping people with anxiety & related issues, concussions, and chronic pain.

 Craniosacral Therapy can help you to find center.  With any questions, call Sharon Hartnett LMT at 703 509-1792