Commitment to Relieve Pain

Often people find themselves feeling tense and in pain.

The interesting thing about pain is that because it is a teacher, it tells us not to overdo it or to pay attention to our experience.  However, once the initial message is sent to the brain, it is important to remember not to store away that pain for good.  Once it makes its home in the body, it decides to live there in the cells, often creating more pain or perhaps even illness.  So after some rest for a day or two, it’s time to bring your awareness back to the injury. Hold the intention to “be” with and relieve your pain. Keep the body subtle and restful with motion and harmony

I like to encourage my clients to feel into the discomfort and pain in a way that they can trust their own body’s reactions.  It’s one small step at a time.  This is called, “engaging the soft pain.”  This should be an experience where you feel deeply with release but not enough that it puts you back into a defensive mode.  This is not an exercise to test your limits, but rather a place to explore your sensations and feelings in a safe and healing way.

Each person if different.  Some people heal better with light touch, and others with deeper contact.  Communication and boundaries must be respected and appreciated for the body to unravel the layers of protection and pain. Dialoguing throughout a session is important at first to learn to understand what helps and what does not.

It also takes commitment to stay with your process as you work with a therapist.  Whether physically, emotionally or spiritually, layers will reveal themselves that may be uncomfortable.  But it is with perseverance and resiliency that you will pass through the temporary pain until the deeper wound is unlatched.  Allow your healing process to help you to grow as a whole person.  It is in allowing all of our experience to open that we find true meaning in life.

Remember: Pain does not need to run your life.  It is only meant to be an indicator to bring mindfulness to the Self. If you want more freedom, vitality and joy, it is necessary to stand in your strengths  and feel into all that you are.  

Release Pain

Moving through the soft pain…

Nobody says that it is an easy to relieve pain and walk upon the road to wellness.  But it is worth the journey.  Give yourself commitment, patience, the room to have fallbacks as well as advancements, and the care that you deserve.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

(614) 372-6598 

Holistic Massage Awakens the Life Within

The Holistic Massage Approach…

When I work with clients, I don’t like to focus on only one muscle to relieve pain.  I prefer to look at the person as a whole being.  As with the tree below, if  the leaves don’t look healthy, one has to look to the soil, the environment,  or any cause that might contribute to disease or impairment. For the tree’s health, one must examine the trunk and the branches as well to determine how best to treat the whole organism. Similarly with the human body,  when groups of muscles are sore, weak or in pain, that is a signal that a whole body approach to healing is needed for longterm health.  The pain may be relieved after a session, but would  most  likely  show up again without a holistic understanding and treatment of the dysfunction.

Listening to the body and following its cues is very helping in resolving many health issues.  The body’s wisdom is constantly revealing what needs to happen in order to heal most efficiently. If followed and treated with skill, many pain conditions can improve dramatically. When you are looking for real pain relief, allow yourself at least  a few sessions to correct misalignment and imbalances that have been contributed to a pain pattern.  It takes time to disorganize and create habitual disorder and it takes time to self-correct.

Craniosacral Therapy
Massage in Columbus


Working with Structural Integration and Craniosacral Therapy,  the therapist is trained to work closely with the signals that communicate what kind of massage therapy is best suited to enhance functional integrity.   At Lighten Up Therapies, we want you to feel more alive and active in your life.  We trust that your your body is an intelligent aspect of you that has much to offer through dialogue in bringing you into wellbeing.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

Structural Integration in Columbus: Change Your Posture

Looking to find a Massage Therapist for Structural Integration (SI) in Columbus, Ohio?

You have come to the right place.  Sharon Hartnett LMT has over 17+ years doing Structural Integration Therapy.  In the late 1990’s she found a local Rolfer in Mclean, Virginia who introduced her to the 10 series.  She fell in love with the positive postural changes and increased movement in her body that she decided to study Structural Integration herself.  She has been providing SI sessions with clients ever since.

Sharon Hartnett, Structural Integration

Relieve Chronic Pain and Find Better Posture

Learn how  Structural Integration Developed

Dr. Ida P. Rolf, a pioneering biochemist began to develop Rolfing in the 1930s after suffering from spinal arthritis. The direction of her work was focused on the role of fascia and unwinding tension patterns around muscles and joints in order to release pain and discomfort. While working in the 1960’s teaching her fascial work at the Esalen Institute in California, the term “Rolfing” was coined.   Her original thinking and experience of manipulating the connective tissue brought students from around the world.  She taught these practitioners how to support the body to function efficiently so that the force of gravity could flow through and support both the form and functioning.   Soon later, the Rolf Institute was found.  And as with most great work, different schools have branched out, extending the original work with same intention and yet with individualize perspectives.


Why Structural Integration Therapy?

Structural Integration is a system of bodywork that will encourage the body back into alignment and structural integrity.  Clients walk away feeling more freedom in their movement, a sense of lightness, greater flexibility, relief from chronic pain and more energized.  The Structural Integration model views the person as a whole that is self-regulation and self-organizing.  Between sessions, clients are given exercises to help them continue their work out into the world.  the body knows where it needs to go in order to find maximum motion.  It just needs to be re-edcuated how to do that so it can relate more optimally in fluidity.  After 10 sessions, clients take time to allow the work to continue and integrate with better posture.


Is Structural Integration Uncomfortable?

When you go to visit any type of bodyworker and therapist, it is a good idea to communicate your needs right from the start.  The therapist has tools and experience working with clients, but ultimately the client benefits the most by expressing what his/her level of  tolerance to pressure.  Each person is unique in how they like to be touched.  What Sharon does is ask,  “If you can feel the sensations and feelings that arise during the session without having to tighten or react, than allow yourself to do that.  However, if anything hurts or feels like it is too deep, please say “stop” or “lighten up”.  The client’s wishes are always respected.  With this said, often the fascia has historically tightened up in areas of the body around dysfunctional patterns.  There are time when that tissue is lengthened it will be uncomfortable.  Most clients though are so happy with the results and reconnection to their body’s that they return over and over with relief and commitment to themselves.


Is Structural Integration for Me?

Sharon offers free 15 minute telephone consults to answer your questions:  703 509-1792

Serving the Eastern side of Columbus, Ohio