Feeling Stressed Out?

Feeling stressed out by life?

Everyone feels stressed out at least occasionally. Through all of life’s cycles, growth opportunities pop up presenting us with challenges that push against our boundaries. This can make us feel uncomfortable or stressed out. Fortunately, many of us have had positive influences that have  taught us how to navigate through rather difficult times efficiently.  But when we don’t know how to cope well any longer,  then what?  Is it possible to take these stresses and turn them around to make ourselves better?

We have to remember that if we change our perspectives about our difficulties,  the rest of the energy supporting the stress will shift too.
Craiosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy relieves stress.

Remember that:

  • Overload is just about how we perceive a certain situation.
  • The way our bodies habitually respond to stress can be re-organized into a healthier response.
  • We are in charge of how we interact with the world in which we live.

Anything that you believe poses a threat to your way of being can cause stress.  So how does your mind, body and spirit let go of any ideas of danger?

  1. Being mindful of your own experience is a good place to begin. By bringing attention to both your internal and external environment, you will begin to see what ignites stress. Some of the physiological signs might be: slower digestion, heart rate rises, muscles contract, breathing quickens, and it may be difficult to sleep.  While you are experiencing the thought and the energy behind the stress, be curious and observant.  This is a good way to practice meditation.
  2. Receiving massage and bodywork has been shown to reduce stress, including modalities such as Craniosacral Therapy, Trigger Point, Structural Integration and the light moving touch of Swedish as well.  Feeling deeply into the body re-educates how we think and helps us re-route into a more relaxed and calm state of being.
  3. Body centered psychotherapies can be very helpful as well.  For example, Hakomi is based on peaceful methods of bringing awareness to your experience and trying on different perspectives.  This can give you new ways to view life down to the cellular level. This therapy is different than typical talk therapy as the main focus is bringing attention to the body to open the doorway to your consciousness.
  4. Physical Exercise pumps up your endorphins. Stress melts away. A good workout helps you to feel healthier and feel more alive.
  5. Deep breathing can help slower the heart rate and decrease your blood pressure.  A commitment to yoga practice will certainly give you opportunities to experience stress relief.
  6. Aromatherapy with oils from Young Living Oils or Doterra can help you to relax in a nice bath or with a foot massage before you go to sleep.  The intention of using the oils for health and good self-care can be very helpful if you are feeling anxious or imbalanced.
  7. Finding a good chiropractor who works with stability as well as flexibility can do wonders in helping you feel better aligned.  When the spine is healthy, life looks a lot more positive!
  8. Byron Katie has come up with 4 questions that will help you change your life.  Her worksheets are free online and you can view her on Youtube.  Check out www.thework.com.
  9. Gentle movement exercises like Felderkrais or Continuum will awaken your deeper sense of centeredness.
  10. Eckhart Tolle is known for bringing out focus “Into the Now”.  His teachings can help one to let go of suffering and stress by recognizing our tendencies to live in the past and future rather than being Present.

Remember that If stress is interfering with your life’s purpose and health, it’s time to do something different that will help you resource your internal skills to help you move through life with more ease.  There are practices you can do alone, in a class, or with the help of a professional.  The more serious the issue with anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD it is best to find the right professional with good experience and references.

Let your stress pass right through by taking good care of you.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

(740) 966-5153

Facilitating with Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Structural Integration, Reiki, The Work, Brennan Healing and more.   See www.massageincolumbusohio.com for more information.




Stress is Your Reaction to Life… Want to Turn Things Around?

Often we believe that circumstances outside ourselves is what causes Stress.  But nothing can really stress you out beside what you are thinking and feeling.  If you want to let go of stress, begin with you:)

Massage Columbus Ohio

Massage can help relieve stress~

Turning Things Around:

1.  One of the best ways to let go of stress is to learn how to be mindful about your experiences.  Take the time to listen to your body and to feel deeply into the moment.  Be curious about how you are relating to your environment and what triggers your stresses. Observation, Experiencing and being in Inquiry can be a powerful tool to change what is happening just in itself.

2.  Set up time for Self-Care.  Find and Do things that feel nourishing to you.  This is not about looking outward for the answer, but rather noticing your relationship to pleasure and joy and indulging in it without becoming attached. Stay in the flow of harmony and kindness as all things pass.  As you begin to touch into your own light,  you create pathways to the Source Within.  Once the door is open, it is easier to step into your essence.

3.  Exercise.  You will never know how much better you can feel until you dedicate yourself to an exercise routine.  It doesn’t matter what you choose to do as long as you enjoy yourself and try different things.  It’s important to move in various ways rather than in repetitions.  Your sense of Self is intelligent, and if you listen carefully, you’ll find a way to move that feels healthy for you.

4.  Choose Love first.  When we move our attention to our heart rather than our brains, it’s easier to move more into compassion for ourselves and others.  The sense of being right trails far behind regarding what benefits our health once you experience the shift of love.  Love makes everything easier when we drop our negative thinking.

5.  Massage, Craniosacral Therapy and Healing Work offers a great opportunity to reduce stress.  When your body feels relaxed and you experience healthy relationship during your treatment time, stress seems to dissolve.  Often people get off the table with a totally new outlook on life.

Stress may be inherent in your system, but you are empowered to change that all around.  Your choices will make all the difference.  Lead your life in a way that feels supportive and healthy to you.  You deserve that!  

For more about Craniosacral Therapy, Massage and Healing work, check out my website: 



Sharon Hartnett LMT