Gentle Touch with Craniosacral Therapy

Touch is a magical way to enter into another’s space.

It is a way of expressing and nurturing life.

When this contact of touch happens,  nerve cells send messages to your brain about tactile sensation. One kind of receptor is the mechanoreceptors that give you information about pushing, pulling and movement.  The second group is the thermoreceptors that tell you about sensations of temperature.  These are the physiological responses that occur in your body that help you to learn to navigate and live in a physical world.  The body listens and it then dances with its environment through this type of dialogue.

Massage Touch Columbus

Informational Communication


While this is a basic understanding on the physical level about our inner workings, the next question is what else happens?

When information is digested, emotions and thoughts can arise.  Often unresolved patterns that are frozen and need help to complete their natural organic cycle of life show up.  Everything changes in the Universe and everything concludes in itself and gives birth again when given the opportunity.  Touch is an excellent way to initiate the new movement Within to support change.

As a Massage Therapist and Craniosacral Therapist, again and again, it is easy to see that gentle touch can be very heart-centered and healing.  Often when clients have felt abused or traumatized, gentle touch can help clients to relax and feel things that have felt stuck.  Clients often gain insights and new understanding into their beliefs and limitations. Old feelings are unleashed and are able to integrate so that people can find the balance they seek.  Unlocking old configurations is freeing and unburdens us to live more in the moment.


From my Craniosacral Therapist Perspective: While the brain may be the thinker of humanity,  it is the Sacred Human Heart and it’s ability to shine through that brings us back into harmony and our Divine Essence.  Having the technical know how is important but learning to reach other human beings through compassionate touch is life saving to some.  Allowing the mind to serve the heart rather than the other way around is important if we want to connect to Source.

As human beings, when we touch with compassion,  we enter into a doorway to open our limitations into a more unitive state of being.

Not only is touch healing, but it is a remembrance that we are not alone in this world.  Connection is so essential to the human soul.  We always yearn for it… Many are seekers of it.  In our society touch is very compartmentalized and minimal.  Massage Therapy and other types of bodywork give us permission to open up again on so many levels of consciousness.

One research that I just read….left me more clear about how touch relieves pain.  I’d like to share it with you-

It’s is positive thing to have science behind the benefits of touch to remind how essential connection is….  So spread some compassion with touch today if you dare!

Sharon Hartnett CST and LMT
740 966-5153

Awakening through Massage and Bodywork

Awakening the Spirit in the Human Body

What if you stopped looking outside for all the answers?

Columbus healing

Awakening through Massage and Bodywork

What if you quieted down your thinking and brought your awareness inward?  

Sitting in silence Within will reveal the truth of life more easily than getting another person’s point of view.  Your spirit if alive and vibrant.  It is waiting for you to listen and wake up.

Massage and Bodywork brings your attention inward.  It enlivens the cellular memory and brings about deeper sensory integration.  When the mind body & spirit are fully engaged, you feel what it is like to be Present in the moment.


Sharon Hartnett LMT 

(614) 372-6598 

Massage Helps You to Remember Care

Most Massage Therapists go into Massage Therapy because they care… 

They enjoy being in service to helping people to feel better.

Massage in Columbus

Feeling Comfort

Touch is such an intimate experience.  The gentlest of touch can provide a nurturing that goes so deep.  

How would it feel to feel safe and comforted in the deepest part of your longing?  Allow yourself to receive touch that  nurtures and helps you remember presence and quality of being.

At Lighten Up Therapies, we listen to your needs and do our best to be present, sensitive and generous with our hearts&skills.

We all deserve to feel deeply into the Source of Light and Wellness. 

Sharon Hartnett LMT

Phone: 239-398-3154