Self-Discovery with Craniosacral Therapy is an adventure.  

Sessions are very gentle and can support you in finding your Inner Light.  

Clients often remark how this type of therapy feels like connecting to their deepest cellular sense.  Feedback: They awaken and respond well through the interactive dialogue of listening and communication. They often feel restrictive patterns begin to melt away on the table, and sometimes the continuation afterward. As the energy that once went into holding painful isolation opens up, it easier to find freedom in expanded movement and choices. Working with the Craniosacral natural rhythms helps you to get centered, feel restored and more balanced.   Integration then brings the change into deepened state of inner peace.   

Self-Discovery through CST

Craniosacral Self-Discovery


With a more experienced Craniosacral Therapist,  ask to find out more about SomatoEmotional Release®.  This more advanced mind body spirit work directly dialogues with the rhythm to find the significance of stuck patterns.  Your Craniosacral Therapist listens to your body like a psychotherapist listens to your words.  A dance springs forth and the therapist who is trained to support your feelings, and unfolding will hold space as you travel the path of self-discovery.

For more information,  contact Sharon Hartnett CST at (614) 372-6598.