Can Fibromyalgia Symptoms be Relieved?

Can the Fluidity of Myofascial Work Help Alleviate Fibromyalgia Pain?

Fibromyalgia is a condition which involves widespread pain and hypersensitivity with specific tender points in the muscles.  This syndrome can stop people from living their daily lives with ease.

Creating a healthy life style is one way to approach improving quality of life.  Some positive ways to improve your sense of wellbeing are:  healthy sleep routines,   exercise,  and of course-good eating habits.  But can you find someone who can actually help you through your discomfort with hands on manual techniques to decrease or maybe eliminate the pain?

In more recent times, the importance of working with the myofascial and craniosacral systems has come to the forefront for improving many pain issues.  Fibromyalgia is one of the conditions where I have seen clients finally find some relief.  Whether it is done by a Craniosacral Therapist, a Myofascial Therapist or a Structural Integration Rolfer type of work,  fascia is key in finding support.  This is because the superficial fascia is highly innervated,  and releasing it can balance the Central Nervous system while bringing about a better quality sense of wellness. But because of the tenderness, it is important to ask your therapist to work lightly and to respect your boundaries for what can be tolerated.  Gentle work can be profound too without having to dig in and cause more pain.


Fibromyalgia Relief

If you would like to find a healing response to Fibromyalgia,  why not find a fascia practitioner in your area and give it a try.  I will say from my experience, that my clients often can sleep better and do find relief.  The work will help clients to feel more fluid and more open.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

Located in the Columbus, New Albany area.

740 966-5153

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Resolving Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms…

It’s interesting to me that clients who come in with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome have been told that the main issue is a pinched nerve in the wrist that causes pain, tingling and numbness.  While this is true on one level as the median nerve is compressed, many massage therapists and bodyworkers have found that the shoulder and neck posture or tightness are also main contributors to this condition. A holistic approach is often needed if the problem does not go away on its own.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Some of the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

  • Pain
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling

Carpal Tunnel Syndrom is a gradual process of dysfunction.  Repetitious movements can be a big contributor. The smartest thing to do for the easiest healing process is to face it straight on when experiencing the above symptoms at the onset.  If you treat for it immediately by resting or stopping activities that aggravate it, it may go away on its own in a couple of weeks.  Working with a PT and/or a Licensed Massage Therapist can also help alleviate pain and support the nervous system as well.  By working with the shoulder girdle, scapula, neck and ribcage, arm and wrist- basically anywhere from where the spinal nerve leaves to it’s end facially,  the client can often find a reduction in symptoms in a few weeks.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can take you out of work.  Consider listening to your body when you notice any of the above imbalances.  Being proactive is always easier than being reactive!

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

Columbus Ohio Massage Therapist

(740) 966-5153

Myofascial Release for Sports Performance

Myofascial Release therapy is focused on the attention given to improving the posture and flexibility in the body.

Who can benefit from this type of work?

Myofascial Massage is very beneficial for chronic pain issues, body imbalances, as well as people suffering from stiffness and lack of range of motion.  Working with the fascia can help those with autism,  people who have experienced trauma and others living with arthritis. No matter what sport you play or activity in which you engage, athletes who are wanting to improve their performance by finding better length in lines and movement often find enhanced performance.  In my practice, I have seen myofascial work truly helps people to feel more energized and in tune with their functionality.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release

How is myofascial massage different than typical swedish massage?

This type of work is definitely different than typical massage.  When working with fascia, the massage therapist does not use a lubricant.  This is so we can differentiate between the layers of fascia to unravel and and help release restrictions in the tissues and along the spine.  The goal is to stretch and loosen the body so that all the organs and other structures can let go in their most optimal and relaxed position. Many times clients say that this work last longer.  They feel dramatically different, especially after a 10 series of Structural Integration.

How does Myofascial Work help specifically with Sports Performance?

In regards to Sports Performance,  myofascial release can help give athletes that extra edge. Often when people train hard, they can get into repetitive habits.  By touching into the various different fascial planes of the fascial web, the body opens to newer movements throughout. There is a functional and structural connection between all of the body’s soft and hard tissues. By addressing the whole body,  motion gains better relationship to gravity again and again.  Athletes young and old can benefit from myofascial work.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, Si

Columbus, Ohio

740 966-5153


Allow Structural Integration to help you to find your breath and breathe freely again.

Breathing is actually more than bringing air into the lungs and then expelling it out. While breath is the primary life force in sustaining life,  it is also a natural massager of the most internal areas of your body.  When you breath in, the strong diaphragm moves and the ribcage and everything within is in a state of constant expanding and contracting.   Gases and circulation are being engaged.  Fluids are rushing through the veins and arteries. The wave of movement can actually reach down to the tips of your toes which you can experience if you take the time to be mindful of breath and its’ far reaching capacity to nourish life. The body is a miracle and unlabored smooth breath can keep you healthy.

Positives of Healthy Breath-  sleeping better, reducing the effects of high blood pressure, when there are good levels of oxygen in the system-cancer finds it more difficult to live, anxiety and depression can be relieved with fuller deeper breathing.  The heart is supported when there is less tension with the ribcage. People who practice yoga and breathing techniques feel more connected between the mind body & spirit to name a few.

One of the best things you can do to open up the breath is receive work that lengthens and softens the surrounding fascia around the ribcage and and by releasing any restrictions nearby. Gentle and more detailed work with the  connective tissue under and on the ribs allows more movement and freedom and relief  is often experienced.  Often ribs get stuck or moved our of alignment and when freed up,  global pain in all parts of the body can diminish dramatically too.  With just one session of Structural Integration or diaphragm releases, you should feel more centered, healthier and flexible.


Structural Integration's benefits

Freedom Within


To find out more benefits of finding your breath, check out Dr. Weil’s recommendation for mindful breath:

Sharon Hartnett LMT

Columbus Ohio

Back Pain Relief

Are You looking to find some Back Pain Relief?

Lumbar strain and injury can result from accidents, overuse and certain traumas.

The severity of your pain can range from mild to severe, from discomfort to muscles spasms.  Wherever you are in your process of healing, Structural Integration can help you to find longer lasting pain relief.

Back Pain Relief

Structural IntegrationRelieving Back Pain


Want to find more freedom and grace in your step? It’s smart to investigate finding a way to correct your posture in order to live in more ease in movement.  A healthy spine and relaxed surrounding soft tissues will help you to feel happier and healthier all the way round.  

Structural Integration in particular is a method of bodywork that aims to restore balance, increase energy,  and improve flexibility.  If you are experiencing  extreme pain, usually the fascia, musculature and ligaments are overly short or overly-extended. Structural Integration is comprised of a ten series of treatments that work on the fascial web that spans the whole body from superficial layers to the deeper containers holding the viscera, skeletal systems and other internal structures.  Through the touch and treatment by the practitioner, neurologic receptors fire and the fascia shifts into a gel-sol transformation.  What this means to clients is better and softer functional movement.  The connection and release of fascial adhesions also relieves the musculature to relax back into its natural form. Fibroblast repair allows for better circulation and fluid exchange. 


If your back is in severe pain now,  speaking to your physicians office would be helpful to see if you need to go in for a visit.  If they advise you to stay home, it is helpful to ice your back immediately after an incident, apply some compression and get some rest.  Massage therapy can be very helpful if  it is a soft tissue injury.

If your back issues feel more chronically uncomfortable, finding a healing plan would be the best bet.  Usually chronic softer pain is an indicator that muscles and approximate tissues are overly short, tense and overstretched.   From a holistic perspective, rotations and twists in one part of the body could be causing misalignments throughout the rest of the body.  Finding a massage therapist who knows how to work with fascia would be a great bet to helping you to find your line and more comfort in day to day movement.  For each session of Structural Integration, a certain recipe of techniques is applied with a uniquely tailored experience to bring you back to center.  When the whole body is addressed holistically each week, the body begins to relate to itself in a more healthy way.   Each session is built on the foundational ones behind it to help you to find the freedom and movement you long to feel.  Look up Structural Integration Therapists in you area.   Write down your questions and make sure they are addressed in a phone interview.  If there are no SI therapist near you, research myofascial and Craniosacral Therapists (upledger).  They can also focus on unwinding painful patterns and restoring health and wellness in your tissues.  If your skeletal structure feels out, you may want to find a reputable chiropractor to make adjustments after the soft tissue restoration.


For more information, call Sharon Hartnett LMT

740 966-5153

Columbus, Ohio